Monday, September 30, 2013

sep 30 13

Well... I could die tomorrow and still know that I saw something that most humans on this planet have never seen and will never see. What is it you may ask? What did you see you might say? Well I’ll tell you what I say. It was earlier this morning, we pulled up the anchor and started to head out of our nice calm anchorage and started to head to LA! About 2 hours after leaving we saw some dolphins... not much but a good sized pod. They were swimming at our bow and playing in our wake, but wait! There’s more! We lifted out heads to only the sight of fins! There were more than 150 dolphins jumping in the air! I still don’t believe my eyes but I know it happened! It was the most exhilarating sight I have ever seen!!! I will never forget it, but my favorite part was witnessing a mother teaching her baby how to surface for air. Belly to belly the mom would push the baby straight out of the water. Another awesome thing to witness while the dolphins were under the boat was hearing them click and squeal to each other.

While that was awesome I had a few other exciting experiences. the day before yesterday we were launching Bmo (our inflatable dingy) from a beach with good sized waves we saw a seal playing in the surf and as we were pushing Bmo out into the calm surf, or so we thought, a wave came out of nowhere and that seal came within my arms reach and then darted off, my mom who was the one to saw it all said his head was at my head level coming out of the curling wave as it hit us... I wish I saw it... but it was still cool. the next day we went exploring with Bmo and we found a beach that Sam just needed to play on so we cowboy-ed up and went for it... did I mention that the waves were curling at the very last minute and the beach was all rocks and scary... if we messed it up we all could have gotten hurt. So as soon as we landed we waited for calm and pushed the boat out with Marcus and the kids on it to ensure there safety and me and my mom swam out to Bmo after they were out of harm’s way. Adrenalin was at a crucial, 100%


  1. I'm finally catching up on your blog posts. This one is particlarly moving! It brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing experience that must have been. Love and miss you guys!

  2. SO amazing to have these experiences with marine mammals! I am EXTREMELY jealous, but will live vicariously through your adventures :-)
    much love, Janine
